
在对Lokulus十大网博靠谱平台主管的独家采访中, 大卫的种子, 兼客户主管, 托马斯•罗兰, we delve into the profound impact of personalisation strategies across diverse industries, 探索其优势, 挑战, 以及个性化的未来.


A personalisation strategy is crucial for establishing of a profound connection between businesses and their customers, 大卫的种子, 洛库勒斯的产品主管, explains; "Ultimately, 从客户的角度来看, you want to know that the person at the other end understands who you are, 你想要什么?, 并且可以提供个性化的旅行."

Lokulus puts this strategy into action through a meticulous process that involves comprehensive data collection and analysis. By understanding customer preferences and expectations at a deeper level, Lokulus努力为每个人创造一个360度的视角. 利用先进技术, Lokulus’ AI-driven workflow automation platform and our Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) enables seamless, 个性化客户旅程, 在每个阶段裁剪交互. 这一承诺将我们的愿景变为切实的现实, using technology and data to offer bespoke experiences that resonate personally with each customer, 培养持久的联系和品牌忠诚度.


The team at Lokulus are staunch advocates for the significant advantages personalisation offer across businesses, 不管是哪个行业. David highlights two pivotal factors: customer satisfaction and 保留, 作为个性化策略的基石. 这不仅强调了解决当前需求的必要性, 同时也培养了长期的关系.

Tom highlights another critical aspect of personalisation — quality service, and the importance of creating an environment where customers feel genuinely heard and valued. Tom stresses: "It's the feeling that an organisation cares enough about what has been said." This emphasis on attentiveness and care aligns with Lokulus' commitment to providing not just a platform, 产品或服务, 而是一种在个人层面上与客户产生共鸣的体验.

在Lokulus, our dedicated approach to personalisation emphasises that customer-centricity is not only about meeting needs but also about creating an emotional connection. 通过优先考虑满意度, 保留, 以及被倾听的深刻感觉, Lokulus strives to set a new standard in personalised customer experiences across diverse industries.


The Lokulus team acknowledges that there can be prevalent 挑战 that businesses may encounter when implementing effective personalisation strategies. David sheds light on the Lokulus way; "We add value by allowing businesses to shift channels, 使用户能够在他们喜欢的平台上进行交流, 在一个无缝和深度个性化的旅程." This highlights Lokulus’ dedication to providing a flexible and adaptable framework that caters to diverse communication preferences, 最终提升整体客户体验.

Tom emphasises the critical importance of striking a delicate balance between elevating user experience and respecting privacy concerns, 声明 that; "在Lokulus, we’re committed to not only delivering personalised experiences but doing so ethically and responsibly, 确保隐私仍然是重中之重.”

洛库勒斯的无缝, 自适应通信平台, 挑战 within personalisation can be addressed whilst maintaining a keen awareness of privacy boundaries, striking the right balance required for effective personalisation across diverse industries.


Looking ahead, David and Tom discuss the evolving landscape of personalisation. "AI is a powerful tool, and 80% of what we engage with will be automated within the next ten years.大卫说。. However, he further injects a note of contemplation, questioning, "but do we believe that’s real?" It’s important that whilst we advocate for the strength in AI and automation, we must consider the potential implications of a significant shift toward automation in entirety.

Tom predicts that personalisation is likely to transcend the digital realm and extend into the real world, 有效地模糊了在线和实体体验之间的界限. 他举了一个具体的例子, 声明, "Should there be a future where personalisation extends to real-world interactions, 例如, if I own a car should there be a future where the personalisation from a business goes as far as serving you content based on the knowledge of you being in the car? 虚拟世界更多的是将你的网络和现实结合起来.“汤姆的观点强调了未来的潜力, 个性化可以无缝地融入日常生活, 线下活动, 丰富整体客户体验.

This suggests that the future of personalisation may involve a harmonious blend of virtual and real-world interactions, where individuals experience a continuity between their online and physical existence. 作为产品主管和客户主管, Dave and Tom’s forward-thinking insights highlight the significance of personalisation in customer experiences whilst stressing the importance of having a finger on the pulse and an eye to the future.

在Lokulus, we’re all about the outcome and we’re passionate about working with our clients to ensure all requirements are met, 不管它们是什么. 更重要的是,我们是长期参与的. If you’re looking for an AI automation partner, for now, and the future – we’d love to hear from you.

Interested in seeing how the Lokulus team can take your businesses personalisation to the next level? 现在预订免费演示 或填写我们的 触点形式 了解更多信息. 与此同时, 下载我们的小册子 为了找出为什么我们是完美的伴侣.

