
In the Spotlight with Ward Hadaway: Tailored Solutions for Tech Companies in 就业 Law

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. 本周我们将与 Ward Hadaway.


Ward Hadaway是一家英国百强律师事务所,在支持科技公司发展的各个阶段有着良好的记录. 我们在十大网博靠谱平台的办公室, we support ambitious start-ups to established PLCs and international operators, providing comprehensive legal expertise tailored to your specific needs.


We understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by businesses in the tech sector. Our dedicated team of tech-savvy lawyers brings decades of combined experience to the table, 就一系列问题提供意见,包括:

  • 合同的建议 
  • 知识产权与商标 
  • 就业 
  • 移民 
  • 资料私隐及保安 
  • 公司法
  • 企业及投资 
  • 财产
  • 争议解决和诉讼 
  • 企业管理激励(EMI)


我们采取商业和务实的方式, 专注于传递清晰的信息, 切合你具体目标和预算的可行建议. 我们优先考虑彻底了解您的业务, allowing us to assemble the best team of legal specialists to meet your unique needs.


根据我们的经验, tech companies are currently navigating a whole host of HR challenges: from supporting employee wellbeing and dealing with employee burnout; to remote onboarding and performance management; to the ever present war for talent and retention; to the struggle to promote EDI in the workplace by increasing representation amongst female and BAME candidates. 包容性, 健康和福利以及灵活的工作方式是我们科技客户的关键优先事项,这不仅是为了吸引和留住人才,也是为了帮助防止高病假率和职业倦怠. 

我们为科技行业的企业提供所有这些问题的建议,以及如何通过一种包容性的文化来促进他们的公司价值观, 员工之间的联盟和结盟.

Workplace surveillance and threats to cyber security are increasingly high on our clients' radar. 对于科技雇主来说,了解他们在监控和员工监控方面的权利是很重要的, 它们的极限是什么?. 网络安全对所有企业都相当重要,而保护企业的大部分责任落在了企业员工身上. Tech employers must t在这里fore ensure their policies and contracts are strong enough from the inside out.     

We help Tech businesses protect and retain one of their greatest assets – their people. 这包括:

  • 就雇佣合同和雇佣条款提供意见.
  • Advising on policies and procedures to make sure they stay compliant with the law.
  • 支持他们推进你们的平等多元化 & 包含议程.
  • 为您的企业提供具体的法律保护建议,包括员工离职后的解雇限制, confidentiality provisions and terms to protect their intellectual property.
  • Helping them manage day to day employment issues like dealing with grievances, disciplinaries or managing performance or absence – no matter how large or small their workforce.
  • Helping them avoid and defend employment claims if they arise (such as unfair dismissal, 建设性解雇或歧视).
  • 帮助他们利用英国的移民制度招聘和留住非英国本国员工,确保他们能够接触到最优秀的全球人才, 不论国籍.
  • 为中小企业, we offer fixed fee support packages in relation to day to day employment law advice, along with optional insurance to protect against the risk of claims from employees.
  • 最近数据隐私法有了什么更新, 远程工作策略, 或者从雇佣法的角度来看,科技公司现在应该制定反歧视政策?

就业 law is a fast moving area with rapid changes and developments. T在这里 are a raft of changes to family friendly legislation due to come into force in April 2024. 科技企业需要审查他们的政策,以确保他们仍然适合目的,并根据这些变化保护他们的业务. 我们通过起草和修订政策和程序,并提供实践培训,将政策融入企业文化,帮助企业在法律变更或重大案件产生影响后保持合法合规, 

EDI仍然是一个非常热门的话题, with claims and disputes surrounding gender equality and employee wellbeing on the rise. 除了, 目前,由于远程工作安排而引起的法庭索赔越来越多. 鉴于混合工作的兴起, tribunal claims arising from this issue have increased by 50% from 2021 to 2022, and t在这里 is every expectation that the number of claims will continue to rise.  

Tech businesses should also be keeping a close eye on political developments over the next few months. With a pending General Election and the possibility of a change in Government, they would be well advised to keep a watching brief on the Labour party's manifesto. 目前, the Labour party has proposed a number of highly significant changes to the employment law landscape, 包括"第一天"不公平解雇保护. If elected, these proposals would fundamentally transform the employment law landscape. Businesses should be making contingency plans for these changes becoming effective.

As tech companies hire more remote workers or distributed global teams, what HR processes should they consider reviewing to reduce legal risks?

团队分布在全球的什么地方, t在这里 is multitude of additional risk compared with a business that operates in one jurisdiction. Businesses risk severe consequences w在这里 employees work globally without a proper legal framework in place. Firstly, employers must ensure that employment contracts align with the local legal requirements. 取决于司法管辖区, 终止条款, 带薪休假和法定权利只是可能与英格兰和威尔士法律不同的一些条款. 雇主在执行没有由当地律师起草的雇佣合同时可能会遇到问题. 因此,人力资源部门应确保在一开始就指示当地律师提供建议,并在业务在英格兰和威尔士以外运营的整个过程中继续接受建议. 他们还需要确保远程工作者在他们选择的司法管辖区有适当的移民许可.

除了, 远程工作可能在地方税收和社会保障缴款方面产生其他后果. 这些问题可能很重要,企业应该在早期阶段就接受这些问题的建议,以预防任何潜在的问题.

几乎, t在这里 are also a number of issues to consider with remote working and globally distributed teams, 例如,在不同司法管辖区之间传输信息时,如何解决时间差异和数据安全问题.

如果你必须强调3个核心领域,那么从雇佣法的角度来看,规模化科技公司应该优先考虑, 它们会是什么,为什么?

1.  保护您的业务. 随着业务规模的扩大, 重要的是,你要确保你有适当的法律保护来保护你的员工和他们在你的业务中创造的价值.  例如,你是否清楚你的员工的状况? 你有顾问吗,还是他们都是你的员工? What happens if they leave – have you thought about the notice periods that they (and you) have to give? 终止后的限制呢? 你是否需要包括防止他们在离开后试图偷走你的顾客/客户的条款? 你的知识产权是否受到适当保护? What provisions have you put in place for dealing with poor performance, 长期生病、缺勤等? 在小公司里, 这些问题中的许多都可以在“需要时”处理, 但随着员工数量的增加, it is more and more important that t在这里 are clearly documented and defined contractual terms, 避免任何误解或纠纷的政策和程序. 这些应该在员工开始工作之前到位,并被所有员工清楚地沟通和理解.

2. 赢得人才争夺战. You will want to think about a strategy for recruiting the best talent in your sector. 作为其中的一部分, you may want to consider how you will maximise local and national hiring strategies, along with whether t在这里 is a need to hire skilled workers from overseas. 您需要确保您的招聘政策和文件符合您的法律义务, 避免任何索赔, particularly in relation to discrimination and the prevention of illegal working. 你们打算在哪里招聘非英国公民, you should take advice regarding the immigration options available to you, 例如,考虑你是否应该考虑利用技术工人签证路线或其他选择, such as the graduate visa for recently graduating international students.

3. 优先考虑员工敬业度和保留率. 随着业务规模的扩大, you will want to consider ways of incentivising and engaging with key staff. 这可能以量身定制的一揽子福利或解决福利和性别平等等重要问题的特定政策的形式出现, to make you stand out as an employer of choice in a highly competitive market. 您需要确保您在这样做时遵守了您的法律义务,并将其仔细而清晰地记录下来. 你还需要考虑如何让关键员工和未来的领导者参与进来,并赋予他们权力,以制定继任计划,确保企业的长期发展.

For examples of the work we have done for our clients within the digital and tech sector, please see 在这里

谢谢你! Ward Hadaway!

